The Lakewood View

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Yeshivat Tiferet Yerushalayim - Shiurim

Yeshivat Tiferet Yerushalayim - Shiurim: "They gathered the Bnei Yisroel in front of the rock and rebuked them, 'Listen rebellious ones, from this rock we will bring forth for you water.' (perek 20, posuk 10)

Moshe proceeded to strike the rock twice, water flowed forth in abundance.

The commentators endeavor to find the flaw in the conduct of Moshe and Aharon which warranted the punishment brought upon them.

Rashi comments that Moshe was commanded to speak to the rock and instead he hit the rock. The Rambam explains that the fault was to be found in Moshe's reaction to the complaint of the people. He allowed himself to be provoked and come to anger.

The Ramban questions Rashi's view. Hashem told Moshe to take his staff. Of what purpose did he require this of Moshe if not for him to hit the rock? The Ramban also differs with the Rambam on his interpretation of Moshe's reaction. Moshe was not brought to anger. His words to the Jewish people were meant as a rebuke for their lack of faith in Hashem.

The Ramban also questions Aharon's role in the affair. Not once, in his entire life, did Aharon HaKohen ever allow himself to get angry. Aharon was not the one who hit the rock. Why then, is Aharon included in Moshe's punishment?"

Some very interesting explanations can be found on the above site with proper references.

For some introductory remarks by me on Parsha Chukas July 1, 2008 an introductory eplanation in progress, please follow the link below- AhMbDvd July 1, 2008

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